- Clinicians desire:- whenever coronal filling needs additional retention, one may decide to place a post.
- One may decide according to the tooth structure available after removal of the entire carious lesion
- One may decide after anticipating the amount of tooth structure that would be available after crown preparation.
- Abutments of f.P.D. & r.P.D.S,
- Mandibular Incisors
- Teeth having cervical cavities
- If the destruction of the tooth is more than 30% To 40%
- To select the size of post – select the size of peeso that fits without resistance.
- Please check manually whether Peeso is making a full turn.
- One may practically place the selected post on the radiograph of the indicated tooth to confirm the approximate size (at least 1mm of root dentin thickness should be available around the post)
- Ideal post length must be more than 2/3rd the tooth length (more than the root length)
- Measure tooth length i.e from cusp tip to root apex (W.L). Calculate 2/3rd of this length and add 2 mm
- One should avoid to put a post in the apical 4mm of area. Post length = WL – 5mm
- The post should end at 4mm below the bony crest in a periodontally compromised case
1 x 10 i-post refills
- Use peeso drill # 1 to remove the Gutta Percha.
- Use peeso drill to see which peeso fits in the canal space and accordingly matching i–post is selected.
- Peeso is taken till calculated post length in the canal.
- Overused Peeso drills are not recommended for the preparation of postholes.
- Try the post. Initially, it will be loose and the flare will be away from the
anatomic coronal flare. - Cut or trim the post using the airotor till the flare matches the anatomical
coronal flare. Cut the post till it becomes firm and steady. Take a radiograph
to confirm the length. - If the Post is too ‘tight’ in the canal then reduce the flare with the help of airotor.
- Use any cementing material to cement the post e.g. – Zinc Phosphate or dual care cements.
- Use opaquer to mask the metal if required.
- Use any core build-up material (silver amalgam or contrast-coloured composite) and seal the coronal cavity.
- Build the normal contacts and cuspal forms.
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